Marketing, as well as a marketing plan, in general, is like having a purse to keep your coins in. It sure ain’t necessary, but you would be lost without it. But, much like buying a purse, marketing requires research, techniques, trials, errors… Or simply a marketing plan that will help you get through with all of that in a no-muss, no-fuss kind of way. Which is the point where most brands fail, really. Creating a marketing plan is not an easy process since there are quite a few marketing plan tactics out there. But I’m here to give you the full picture. So, let’s cut to the chase and see exactly how you can go from a simple social media marketing plan to a full-blown and beautiful marketing plan template and strategy. Marketing Plan: A Definition The best way to define a marketing plan is the following: A marketing plan is a representation of your overall marketing strategy through the marketing actions you’re ready and willing to take. This pretty much means that a marketing plan...